Plenary Meetings



The doctoral school - students and teachers - are meeting periodically (at least twice a year) on the occasion of Plenary Meetings.

Usual subjects of these meeting are:

- New PhD students audition: brief presentation of the research object and agreed supervisors’ assignment;

- Admission to the following academic year for active doctoral students and annual renewal of any grant awarded;

- Admission to the final exam for those who have completed the course of study;

- Public defense of the thesis for PhD candidates admitted to the final exam in front of an Examination Committee;

- Professors’ Board Meeting.






45th Plenary Meeting
29 Oct 2024 in Pisa and 30 Oct 2024 in Florence


On May 23rd, 2024, there will be the second edition of the PhD Day of the School of Engineering.

For further information, please have a look  at the web site
Please note that to maximise your participation to this special event promoting of the researches, we are not going to organize a plenary meeting in Spring/Summer, there will be only the Fall session.
So we expect full attendance, through poster or presentation, by all phd students.

Past editions:

Last update



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