40th Plenary Meeting - 27-29 October 2021

40th Plenary meeting

Florence, 27th- 29th october 2021
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, Sala Caminetto, Via S.Marta 3


Wednesday 27th October, 2021


09:00 Opening of the meeting
Chair: Claudio Borri, Udo Peil, Luca Solari and Klaus Thiele

09:30 Examination Bernardo Nicese
XXXIII Cycle – Co-tutelle with TU Braunschweig
“Influence of cross-section details on vortex-induced vibrations of bridge decks: experiments and modelling”
11:00 Private Committee Meeting

11:00 Examination Lorenzo Lotti
“Innovative Technologies In Non-Invasive Urodynamics Diagnostic”
12:30 Private Committee Meeting

12:30 Presentations by students with Co-Tutelle with TU Braunschweig XXXIV Cycle
(30 min each, 5 min for questions)
Chair: Klaus Thiele
- Michela Torti
- Nicholas Fiorentini

13:45-14:30 Lunch Break

14:30 Examination Claudio Pagani
XXXIII Cycle – Co-tutelle with Czech Technical University in Prague
“Modeling of Masonry Structures at Multiple Scales”
16:00 Private Committee Meeting

16:00 Presentations by students with Co-Tutelle with other partner universities XXXIV Cycle (30 min each, 5 min for questions)
Chair: Riccardo Barsotti
- Niccolò Barni – Cotutelle with Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim – Norway
- Francesco Barsi ­– Cotutelle with Université Paris Est – France
- Lorenzo Baldi - Cotutelle with Czech Technical University – Prague – Czech Republic


17:45 Proclamation Bernardo Nicese, Lorenzo Lotti and Claudio Pagani
Chair: Udo Peil

Live streaming on YouTube:

18:15 End of the Meeting


Thursday 28th October, 2021


09:00 Examination Lorenzo Innocenti
XXXIII Cycle – Co-tutelle with TU Braunschweig
“Large Wood dynamics in sharp river bends: experimental and numerical investigations”
10:30 Private Committee Meeting

10:30 Presentations by students with Co-Tutelle with other partner universities XXXIV Cycle (30 min each, 5 min for questions)
Chair: Enrica Caporali
- Valeria Croce – Cotutelle with ENSAM ParisTech Aix-en-Provence – France
- Paolo Filippucci – Cotutelle with Technical University Wien – Austria
- Marco Lompi – Cotutelle with Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Spain
- Matteo Pampaloni – Cotutelle with Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Spain
- Benedetta Pagliaccia – Cotutelle with INSA Toulouse – France


13:30-14:30 Lunch break

14:30 Examination Francisco Febronio Peña Guerra
XXXII Cycle – Co-tutelle with Florida International University
“Integrating compound flood conditions through 2D hydraulic modeling for simulating flood risk processes in coastal cities”
16:00 Private Committee Meeting

16:00 Presentations by students with Co-Tutelle with other partner universities XXXIV Cycle (30 min each, 5 min for questions)
Chair: Enzo Marino
- Sara Modanesi – Cotutelle with KU Leuven – Belgium
- Andrea Paliotto – Cotutelle with Technical University of Darmstadt - Germany
- Giulio Ferri – Cotutelle with RUHR-Universität Bochum – Germany
- Gemma Mannarino – Cotutelle with Universidad Autonoma de Madrid - Spain

18:15 Proclamation Lorenzo Innocenti and Francisco Febronio Peña Guerra
Chair: Claudio Borri

Live streaming on YouTube:


18:30 End of the Meeting



Friday 29th October, 2021



09:00 20 years of PhD program: memories and perspectives from the Alumni

Chair: Claudio Borri and Udo Peil
Stefano Cannicci, Delegate of the Rector Unifi for Doctoral Programs
Claudio Lubello, Director of DICEA Unifi
Klaus Thiele, Director Instituts für Stahlbau TU Brauschweig
Alumni (in alphabetical order): Chiara Arrighi, Simone Fatichi, Marco Giometto, Francesca Lupi, Enzo Marino, Timm Pliefke, Chiara Pozzuoli, Paola Simioni.
Live streaming on YouTube:


11:30 Presentations by students with TU Braunschweig XXXV Cycle
(10 min plus 5 min for questions)
Chair: Klaus Thiele
- Giada Artini - Co-tutelle with TU Braunschweig - Germany
- Alessandro Mei - Co-tutelle with TU Braunschweig - Germany
- Carlo Vienni - Co-tutelle with TU Braunschweig - Germany

12:00 Presentations by students with other partners XXXV Cycle
(10 min plus 5 min for questions)
Chair: Johann Facciorusso
- Antonella Cosentino - Co-tutelle with Gent University - Belgium
- Gonzalo De Léon - Co-tutelle with Université de Nantes – France
- Andrea Geppetti - Co-tutelle with RUHR-Universität Bochum – Germany
- Eugenio Pellis - Co-tutelle with Université de Strasbourg – France
- Fernando J. Ávila Cruces - Visiting PhD Student from Universidad de Granada

13:30-14:30 Lunch break

14:30 Presentations by students XXXVI Cycle (5 min each)
Chair: Udo Peil and Claudio Borri
- Neyu Chen - Visiting PhD Student from Tongji University, China
- Neri Banti - Co-tutelle with Bialystock Technical University
- Niccolo’ Bruschi - Co-tutelle with TU Braunschweig – Germany
- Alessandro Bruttini - Co-tutelle with RUHR-Universität Bochum – Germany
- Irene Cortesi - Co-tutelle with University of the Aegean - Greece
- Daman Mohsen - Co-Tutelle to be defined
- Zihan Liu - Co-tutelle with TU Braunschweig – Germany
- Isabella Mazzatura - Co-tutelle with Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
- Gerardo Arcangelo Pacillo - Co-tutelle with TU Braunschweig – Germany
- Tommaso Sorbi - Co-tutelle with Teesside University – UK


15:30 End of the Meeting

Last update



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