International Doctorate in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Università di Firenze   Università di Pisa    Technical University of Braunschweig   Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale, Università di Pisa

New call XL Cycle.

New call XL Cycle. NEW! Online the results of the interview


SCHOLARSHIPS PEGASO 2024. Deadline for applications August 5th 2024 at 12 (midday)

Call for Scholarships on ex D.M. 629/2024 - D.M. 630/2024 (PNRR).

Call for Scholarships on ex D.M. 629/2024 - D.M. 630/2024 (PNRR).  Deadline for applications 12th July 2024 at 12 (midday)

PhD DAY 2024 School of Engineering.

PhD DAY 2024 School of Engineering. S.Marta – May 23, 2024

20 years of PhD program: memories and perspectives from the Alumni.

20 years of PhD program: memories and perspectives from the Alumni. On occasion of our 40th Plenary Meeting a special session


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