Digital documentation and information modelling to support risk management of cultural heritage

A seminar by  Prof. Esequiel Mesquita,  Universidade Federal do Ceará (Brazil) 23 October 2024

Digital documentation and information modelling to support risk management of cultural heritage

Heritage constructions present high cultural value, complexity in the structural systems, high variability, and considerable Lack of systematic information on the materials, mechanical, and durability characteristics. In recent years, with the advancing of data capture and model processing technologies, several strategies for BIM applications in new and existing buildings have been reported in the literature. In this context, studies on heritage constructions show that HBIM (Historical or Heritage BIM) is emerging. The seminar aims to present a comprehensive overview of the researcher activities developed by the Research Group on Documentation and lnformation Modeling of Historic Buildings in the scope of the project DOCUMENTA of the Federal University of Ceara, explicitly focusing on research topics that are still open and need to be advanced, such as strategies for record and documentation in high accuracy, as-built 3D modeling from point clouds, automation of the 3D modeling of complex shapes, new approach for point clouds segmentation and semi-automatic modeling of constructive elements, HBIM performance and historical databases. Further, this seminar will also discuss the results of the risk assessment and the development of a new method to evaluate the climatic influence on historic building degradation.

The seminar will be both in presence and online and will be held In English.

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